Iyar's AdvenJahs in SpaceTime

Sunday, October 01, 2006

It seems this relationchip with the Goddess formely known as Lucy has cemented to the point of NoReturn. I all wayz wondered if I ever would be one of those lucky/yucky couples who do EVERYthing 2gether. U know the ones, they keep sticking their tongues down each other, insist on holding hands as if to outcast those less fortunate. To make things worse, they radiate their unabashed loveliness without ever asking. They're almost alwayz nice, to each other, to you. You just feel hard pressed to find any flaws, which makes you feel less than perfect yourself.

I'm there. Don't know what or how I got here but it's damn noyce. There is a lot of re-adjustment as far as I am concerned, after being an eligible bachelor for so many years. All of a sudden I feel thrown into LucYar world. Where do I end and she begins? Is there really a fine line? Or are we truly conglomerations of consciousness, at times individual, part of a duo on others, sometimes trios or even a company.

Before I totally lose track, I am fasting on this auspicious random Jewish Day of Atonement (Yom-Kippur), as I have been every year since the age of 13. I am becoming a proponent of fasts, some for physical health, while others for Spirit.



Blogger Unknown said...

beautifully expresses. good luck on your venture together. amen that by seeing this it may be a sign that my time with the man that I seek is near. thank you for reminding me that it is not that far away.

3:54 AM  

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